Thursday, March 29, 2012

New Hair Color, New Attitude: Do Ombre Blondes Have More Fun?

With graduation fast approaching and the crushing realization that my life at JMU will soon be over, I wanted to close this chapter of my life with a bang and open my next one as a blonde. Really. I know this decision may seem somewhat drastic, but I’ve been thinking about coloring my hair for quite some time. This is the first time I have ever colored my hair, so I wanted to lose my hair dying virginity with a hue I would absolutely love. I went in for a consultation and my stylist suggested ombre. Initially, I was rather skeptical because I was sure I wanted blonde, but ombre was the perfect combination, honoring the brunette I’ve been for the past decade and a half as well as the blonde I was at 4 years old. For those of you who don’t know, ombre hair coloring consists of a smooth variation in tone or shade, usually darker at the top transitioning into a lighter shade toward the bottom. For me, we kept my brunette coloring at the top of my head, altering the lower portions of my natural locks into a warm, sandy blonde color. Needless to say, I am absolutely thrilled with the results and couldn’t have asked for a better stylist. If you’re interested in getting ombred, contact Krystyne Mays at The Studio Hair Salon & Day Spa in Harrisonburg, I promise you she won’t disappoint! (I have also been provided with services from Valeria, another amazing hair stylist, and Laurel, another very talented aesthetician, both of whom have always given me quality work. So please, please, please request any of these lovely Studio ladies if you’re ever in need of an exceptional salon service!)

My before...

The back of my un-colored mane...

The front of my uncolored mane...

No one's never too old for a mirror pic!

About to go under the knife...

I have to admit, I was a little nervous- It was only my first time!

Cousin It loves to get his hair done too...

What a heartbreaker.

I got a little bored under the hair drying machine- I literally felt like my scalp was going to melt off.

What can I say? I just love my bracelets.

I also got incredibly bored as my hair was getting un-foiled/washed. What a pretty painting!

Yay! The final product!!

And again!

Just a side peek...

Thanks Krystyne!

...ombre blondes have way, way, way more...


Thanks so, so, so much for reading!!!! xox

Monday, March 26, 2012

The Age of Anxiety: Why Do Women Bite Off More Than We Can Chew?

Sorrowing Old Man ('At Eternity's Gate')
by Vincent Van Gogh (1890)
Especially nowadays, women are rocking their way through life, pursuing careers and dreams that were once impossible. We get there through hard work, hard work, and even more hard work. This is certainly no easy feat and with this Joan-of-Arc mentality comes a pressure so dense and dragging, that even the strongest of women wilt like wildflowers. Sometimes, we work so hard to prove ourselves that we don’t even realize the type of toll it may take on our own sense of happiness and personal well-being. Since I’ve definitely felt that invisible, 67-pound weight dangling from my chest from time to time, I’ve chosen to write a little post to show girls certain measures they can take to chop those feelings up like a chef at a Japanese steakhouse, throwing it in the face of their fears and fellow-haters.
This time last year I was writing for my school newspaper and I had just acquired the title of “Staff Writer.” I was more than thrilled about the position, especially because the hard work that I had poured into this objective was finally paying off. It wasn’t until much later in the semester that I started to feel completely on edge every time I walked onto my college campus, literally afraid to look at my cell for possible texts from my mini-employers. Do I need to cover a breaking story? Are there any more edits I need to make on the draft I just sent in? Were my sources okay? What if they don’t like the witty lead of my article? 
On top of this continual self-questioning, you’re receiving emails left and right from people who may have felt “offended” by one of your articles and consistent badgering from students, friends,  and even your own family, all of whom really have no clue what the job of “Staff Writer” really requires. I was taking six classes on top of this responsibility, so I felt as though I was drowning in a heat wave of criticism and never-ending judgement. Even though I definitely enjoyed my experience working for the school newspaper, it wore me rawer than an uncooked potato. 
Now I realize I could’ve prevented these feelings. I wish I had taken a breather for a minute or two to re-evaluate the reasons why I was feeling so stressed out. Girls need to know that it is okay to take sometime off because, at the end of the day, it’s more detrimental to your work in the long run. For me, I started taking my stress out at the gym, trying to work out at least 4-7 times a week, which I still do. Endorphins are a natural way to maintain some feelings of sanity, and you certainly won’t feel as ready to bark at someone when you’re on a healthy high. Also, if you have a boyfriend, please have sex with him. Studies show that couples who have sex regularly experience greater feelings of happiness, ultimately increasing their sense of personal content as well as the quality of work in their varying careers. Whether you believe it or not, it’s true.
In addition to these measures, try eating healthy. I find that when I eat healthier, I feel better about myself. I’m certainly not saying that you shouldn’t treat yourself either, because everyone knows I have a weakness for chocolate, wine, and cheese, but try and create a balance with the food you eat. Also, think about creating a hobby. I love to read, write, listen to music, and watch movies, which all really, really help me cope with the pressures of everyday life. Further, and this is tough for any girl, if you have a friend, boyfriend, or acquaintance in your life who is not completely supportive of your efforts, by criticizing or blaming you for any perceived slight, do not be afraid to let this individual know how you feel. Just be constructive in your approach and tactfully explain how he/she may be hurting you. Trust me, even if you fear their reaction, sticking up for yourself is more refreshing than a peppermint patty’s ice-cold filling.
So I’ve told you how to get rid of these anxiety-infused feelings and even how you can prevent them from occurring again, but, no matter the circumstances, there is so much a girl can do to alleviate this problem, we just need to take the time to figure it out. Don’t be afraid to talk to someone if you need to, like a counselor or parent, because everyone deserves happiness in life, and we should never, ever feel compelled to question that. We are only human, so there is no need to carry a burden on our shoulders heavier than the Grand Canyon and Mt. Everest combined thrown into a bag of the Rocky Mountains, because that is certainly no life to live at all.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The G.O.P. Strikes Again: First It’s His Heritage, Now High Gas Prices?

I’ve honestly had enough of the G.O.P.’s continual mudslinging, but they’re really hitting below the belt this time. First they ran the notion of Obama’s “fake” heritage around the rumor mill, now they’re saying that he wants to raise gas prices. I can assure of all you that this is entirely fabricated, especially because any knowledgeable American is aware that the U.S. has little to no control over the fluctuating price tags at our gas pumps. 
The price of gas in the U.S. directly correlates with the global market of oil, meaning if gas prices go up around the world, they will right at home. According to Obama, “we use 20 percent of the world’s oil; we only produce 2 percent of the world’s oil,” so we really aren’t a large contributor to the international access of black gold. It’s not like Obama has an unlimited supply in his backyard that he can put a low price on and give away like he’s Mother Theresa. 
But, since Obama’s been taking way too much heat for this, he’s been forced to take measures to show the G.O.P., and every citizen, that he really cares about this issue. He knows, I know, and everyone knows, aside from Mitt Romney and friends, that no one in the United States could ever control gas prices right now. Presently, Obama is in strong support of extending the infamous Keystone oil pipeline from Cushing to oil refineries in the Gulf to heighten the accessibility of gas, producing a larger supply for Americans. Aside from the attention he’s paid to this pipeline, he has still been making every effort to cultivate, manage, and harvest our own oil supply, helping decrease the current dependence we have on oil elsewhere. This is the best anyone would ever be able to do right now, which will slowly but surely decrease gas prices in the United States. 
Obama does not want high gas prices and their growing rates are not his fault. Romney just needs to stop crying wolf whenever he sees a minor mishap in our country’s progress and lay off the crazy pills. I mean, if the tables were turned, everyone would be saying the exact same thing in support for Mitt, but you can’t argue with stupid.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Stairway to Heaven: Famous Rock Ballad or Code of Ethics?

The ominous arrangement of guitar strings and drums, the disturbing tranquility in Robert Plant's voice, all set beside the unsettling story of a woman intent on purchasing redemption after a life of indulgence yields one of the most distinguished rock ballads of all time, “Stairway to Heaven” by Led Zeppelin. As one of my personally favorite pieces by the band, and someone who has listened to this particular work countless times, I couldn’t help but ponder the definite relevance the song maintains in today’s world. Specifically, and this is a purely subjective perspective, the composers of the piece suggest the importance of denying a life of greed and excess, painting a portrait of a deluded woman who assumes that her good fortune will provide her a first-class-seat in heaven.  These cautionary proclamations, in some senses, ultimately serve to warn listeners against the detriments of over-luxuriance, a message that many of us, rich or poor, would benefit greatly from. 
The song opens with a woman who is hoping to purchase a “Stairway to Heaven,” oblivious to the notion that heaven is proverbially reserved for those who have led an honorable life. As it becomes clearer throughout the ballad, she fully believes that her wealth will provide her a golden stepping stone to this nirvana-like-location, ignorant of the fact that her access to this ulterior realm is based solely on her character, not her bank account. 
As someone who is fully unsure of where we go after death, the reality of God, and other theoretical propositions regarding the supernatural, “Stairway to Heaven” still resonates with me. The idea that personal worth is based on one’s character rather than one’s resources endorses the age-old sentiment of sustaining a sound moral code, no matter the circumstances. Even though I have a set of ethics I attempt to live by, sometimes it proves more difficult than I figure. I am a human being after all, and nobody is perfect--even the lady in the song. Despite this, I fully support the message in “Stairway to Heaven” and chose to write a blog post memorializing, appreciating, and praising the ballad simply for the effect it has had on me, and hopefully the one it will have on my readers. Even if heaven does or does not exist, there is no reason not to live graciously. I have found that the energy you offer to the universe is energy returned. If you live spitefully, you will receive spite. If you live generously, you will receive generosity. Even though I will never completely be able to rationally justify these minor claims, I have discovered that they are truthful, for me at least. No matter how much money or material wealth anyone has, nothing in life is worth it unless you have the abilities to do good, put the welfare of others before your own, and respectfully appreciate and honor those who have treated you with kindness (Sorry if I’ve left anything out!). Just try and live life kindly and you will see it come back to you ten-fold, trust me. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Brief Tour of the Zodiac: Where Do You Fit In?

I am incredibly bored right now, so instead of doing my homework, I am going to provide all of you with a brief education of the zodiac. Since it is currently March 18th, I’m going to start with the Aries, and continue with explanations of the other zodiac signs  chronologically. Hope you’re as excited as I am!!
Aries individuals are born between March 21st and April 19th, symbolized by the ram. They are incredibly head strong and impulsive, but make up for these unfavorable qualities with their adventurous, outgoing, and enthusiastic spirit. These rambunctious people have remarkably distinct personalities, with a little bit of a temper. You certainly don’t want to be in the pathway of an angry ram, so move with caution if you ever cross an Aries!
The next down the line is the Taurus, between April 20th and May 20th, represented by the Bull. These people are highly dependable, organized, and determined, but they can be incredibly stubborn, lazy, possessive, and selfish. They are sometimes faulted for being a little materialistic, but they just see beauty in everything, and it just so happens that beautiful objects are usually the most expensive, so it’s not their fault! A Taurus is very loyal, clear-thinking, and fair, and anyone would be lucky to have a beauty-loving, peaceful bull-friend in their life, no matter what.
The Gemini falls directly after the Taurus, represented by the twins on the dates of May 21st and June 20th. These witty, intelligent, flighty conversationalists are always the life of the party, even though they can be a little judgmental and manipulative. These people need constant stimulation, especially since their minds are always going a mile-a-minute, so don’t plan on getting to know one of these Geminian-busy-bodies without first coming up with an interesting angle of discussion. Really, they get annoyed very easily, and have a much darker side than meets the eye. They are represented by the twins for a reason because of their dual personality, and you never know which side you’re gonna get, let’s just hope you meet the good twin first!
The Cancer follows the Gemini, symbolized by the crab on the dates between June 21st and July 22nd. Cancers are momma’s boys, or girls for that matter, who are very nurturing, caring, and kind people. On the other side of this, they can be very moody and emotional, and hold grudges easily. They can get a little snappy, but they are energetic people who love the sense of security a loving home provides. They are shrewd in any of their endeavors, so never doubt the crab’s cunning ways even if they seem like they have the most humble hearts on the planet.
The Leo, or the best, is right after the Cancer, depicted by the lion falling on the dates between July 23rd and August 22nd. These lovable lions are generous, noble, and friendly people who will go out of their way to make anyone happy. On the flip side, they can be a little over dramatic, spoiled, and pretentious. They love being noticed, and work hard to make a name for themselves, but it can sometimes be viewed as attention seeking. I can assure this isn’t the case, not entirely anyway. They just want to be successful, and know that the only way to make this happen is by gaining a loving fan base.
The next in line is the Virgo, represented by the maiden falling on the dates of August 23rd and September 22nd. They are the perfectionists of the zodiac, and do not feel comfortable when anything is out of order. They can be a little bit nit-picky, but they are incredibly down to earth, meticulous people. You can always depend on a Virgo to help with a project or task, because you know they will do their very best, often better than anyone else.
The Libra comes after the Virgo, symbolized by the scales, falling on the dates of September 23rd and October 22nd. They are very fair, social, and nice people, and anybody would be lucky to have a libra in their life. Seriously, they are one of the most compatible signs because of their lack of judgment, even though they can be a little gossipy, but they are just very friendly people, so they sometimes don’t even realize they are being slightly two-faced. These people are awesome to go to for advice, and could make the most anxious person feel at ease!
Now here’s the Scorpio. I’m getting scared typing this. They are represented by the scorpion, on the dates of October 23rd and November 21st. They are very intense, all-knowing people who offer no pity for the weak, even though they can be a little sympathetic at times, but only if someone truly deserves a helping hand. They are the most sex-obsessed out of the zodiac (I won’t tell you how I know that, but trust me), and they love to pick apart anyone’s mind, especially if it is someone they are truly fascinated by. They can get very jealous, suspicious, and malicious, but they are also very loyal to anyone they really, really care about. They can be a little too honest, and  know how to hit anyone where it really hurts- so be careful!! I’m surprised they don’t walk around with a “Danger” sign the moment they walk out the door.
Now we have the Sagittarius, represented by an Archer on the dates of November 22nd to December 21st. They are very optimistic, bright people who love to have a good time. They can be a little blunt and over the top, but everyone loves the company of a Saggitarian. They are very playful, jovial individuals who have no boundaries, but are some of the most sincerest, honest people you’ll ever meet. These are always people you want to take out for a fun night on the town, because you know they’ll be a blast wherever they go!
The next zodiac sign is the Capricorn! These people are represented by the goat, falling on the dates of December 22nd and January 19th. These individuals are very self-disciplined, intelligent, and realistic people, who have high expectations for themselves and everyone around them. They can be a little negative, but that’s just because they are their own worst critics, so don’t blame them for their sometimes pessimistic outlook on life. These people are the quintessential role models, and they have such a great influence on anyone they know!
The next is the Aquarius, represented by the water-bearer, falling on the dates between January 20th and February 18th. They are super-friendly, kind individuals, even though they can be a little selfish and mean at times. They are very philanthropic, but are also a little oddly different. They get along best with people who have their own interests as well, because they cherish independence and value this trait in others too. They are definitely the most unique of the zodiac, so if you ever need someone to teach how to be more of your own person, an Aquarian is the perfect person for the job!
Last but certainly not least, the Pisces is represented by the fish, falling on the dates between February 19th and March 20th. They are incredibly compassionate, idealistic, cool people who really don’t appreciate the limelight as much as some other signs. They can be a little unreliable, but they are always down to help anyone out, without judgement or criticism. They are especially helpful to those in need, and will work toward ensuring the welfare of those around them. These people are so trustworthy, even the coldest of people will melt around the presence of a Pisces!
I hope you’ve enjoyed by brief, educational tour of the Zodiac and I hope you even learned a little something about yourself, your friends, and astrology along the way! 

Friday, March 16, 2012

Middle Child Syndrome: Why Am I The Weird One?

Middle children are often regarded as the most different individuals in any family. Specifically, we are the ones who are given less attention than our younger or older siblings, so we are driven to seek it elsewhere- and that is the honest truth. Especially in my family, and please don’t get me wrong-I have always felt extremely loved from both of my parents- me and my sisters have definitely succumbed to each of our familial roles. My older sister, about two and a half years older than me and turning 24 in a couple of days, definitely has that fierce, leader-like personality characteristic of the eldest born. My other sister, about two and a half years younger than me is, to put it simply, the most spoiled out of the bunch- but I love her just the same. Unfortunately, I just ended up with short end of the stick, so I had to learn how to deal with it from an early age. 
I was given my older sister’s hand-me-downs while I watched my younger sister’s every need get nurtured. (I can still hear her piercing cry as I write this. The painful memories...) Literally, she cried about everything, and my older sister had such a strong, rebellious personality, I learned to become much more passive, especially because I would get yelled at whenever I expressed behaviors similar to my sisters- simply because I was the most easy to discipline. In some cases, I would definitely feel a little left out, but this just comes with the territory of being in the middle. It wasn’t until I hit high school that I really had enough. I began to act out, doing things a high schooler should never, ever do. I began to ignore my mother and father the same way I had always felt that they had ignored me, dismissing conversation with them whenever they looked in my direction. It became a lonely existence, and even lonelier during the periods my mother grounded me for misbehaving.
It wasn’t until the death of my father that I really snapped out of it. I realized that I had to stop acting this way because, in the real world, no one’s going to feel sorry for me, no matter what my background is. Yes, it was tough being in the middle, but you have to learn to handle the cards your dealt, no matter what. Looking back, and please don’t get me wrong because I love my parents more than anything, I learned very much about parenting and I know, when I have kids-in a very, very, very long time, that there are many methods and precautions I will take that my parents hadn’t. I will know how to handle a middle child. I do not blame my parents for the way they raised me at all, I am so thankful for the morals, values, and ethics they taught me. I am just empathetic to any middle child because of the sense of unhappiness I felt throughout much of my life. Despite this, it allowed me the time to cultivate many talents and interests my sisters haven’t developed. Although they are both very bright individuals, I have distinctly different hobbies and passions than they do, and ones they will probably never possess. I am a writer with a very creative streak, whereas both of my sisters have adopted more logical, straight-laced career paths. I am not disparaging the intentions of my sisters by any means, I love them more than anything. I really do not know what I would do without my sisters and I am so blessed to have people in my life who love me unconditionally as well. I just know how it feels to be the underdog in the family, receiving blame for every misstep, wrong choice, and fault, all the while feeling like no one is paying much attention to you. In any case, I would never change a thing that I went through because it has made me the person that I am now. I am a much better, more open minded person than many people I know, and for that quality, I am so, so grateful.

An American Fashion Statement: Pretty in Pink or Symbol of Political Prowess?

The Kennedy’s never failed to arouse the excitement of supporters, patrons, and fans wherever they went, and their presence in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963 was certainly no exception. Every knowledgeable American citizen is aware of what happened to JFK on that tragic Texan morning and the ensuing state of confusion, chaos, and turmoil that subsequently erupted. He was shot directly in the face by Lee Harvey Oswald, who calculated every inch, move, and ploy in the assassination. Aside from the gruesome and disturbing circumstances surrounding this American tragedy, the most ingenious maneuver in this battle between political royalty and a disturbingly deluded killer was made by Jackie Kennedy herself.
Immediately before her husband was shot, Jackie O was seated on his left in the back of an unhooded vehicle wearing a beautifully pressed pink Chanel suit, embellished with a navy blue collar, only fitting for a first lady. She always looked absolutely gorgeous and she has remained a fashion icon ever since her 3 year period in the White House. However, on this particular day, she could have never fathomed that this specific ensemble would become an iconic symbol of U.S. history by the early afternoon. 
As she sat right beside her husband, she was dutifully acknowledging all of her supporters, citizens, and fans with an appealingly approachable smile on her face, which she always wore so well. During their brief ride on Dealey Plaza’s Elm Street, the persistent joy that had been emanating throughout the day quickly turned into a dark, morbidly sinister nightmare directly after the first bullet pierced through the dewy afternoon air and right into the face of one of our most beloved presidents. (I know my graphic details may come as a shock, but I am trying to paint as realistic, yet respectful, of a picture of what Mrs. Kennedy lived through, right by her husband’s side.) 
As seen through footage of the assassination, right before JFK receives the shot, it seems as though Jackie is leaning toward her husband to fix his collar or tie, only inches away from where he would receive the bullet. Then it happens as quickly as a snap of the fingers, and he collapses on to her shoulders, marking her Chanel piece with drops of his own streaming blood. She immediately climbs out, positioning herself on top of the vehicle’s trunk only to greet her Secret Service agent who tells her to remain ducked in the car for her own safety, anchoring herself beside the lifeless body of her husband (Zapruder Film Slow Motion). They rush to the hospital, where President Kennedy would inevitably be pronounced dead (“John F. Kennedy Assassinated”).
Once there, despite persistent requests, Lady Kennedy stubbornly insisted that she remain in her blood-infused Chanel suit, quoted as saying “I want them to see what they have done to Jack.” She remained wearing it through the following inauguration of Lyndon B. Johnson, only a couple of hours after the assassination. The suit has never been cleaned and it is located in the National Archives in a highly protected, unknown location, out of public view until 2103, and, even at that point, the Kennedy descendants will decide what will happen with the showcasing, or non-showcasing, of the piece (“Pink Chanel Suit”).
What really strikes me in regard to this entire tragedy is the admirably noble sense of grace with which Mrs. Kennedy carried herself, all the while in a stained Chanel suit. She was making a distinct statement against her husband’s killer, slamming him in the face with his actions, for the entire world to witness. Not only was she exquisitely poised throughout the entire ordeal, she let go of her personal vanity, indifferent to those who would mock or criticize her, because she wanted to show  the feelings of devastation that would inescapably seep through her family, friends, and the United States of America. On this day, she was not presenting herself as a First Lady, she was presenting herself as a citizen of the world, a human being, and a woman who had just lost her husband in one of the most appalling and deplorable scenes that has permanently branded itself in our country’s history.
P.S. Coco Chanel and Jackie Kennedy were both of the Leo astrological sign. 


 "John F. Kennedy Assassinated." History. History Channel, n.d. Web. 16 Mar 2012. 
Zapruder Film Slow Motion. Youtube, Film.