Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always loved, loved, loved to read, listen to bedtime stories, and lose myself in great pieces of literature. I remember my mother taking me to the local library when I was 6 years old, feeling amazed by the stacks of novels and thoroughly electrified by the scent of bounded, beautifully withered pages. In this particular instance, I chose 6 books to take back home with me, I can’t recall the titles of each work, but I’m certain that the “Lyle, Lyle Crocodile” series by Bernard Waber was among my selection. Anyway, that night, after dinner, while my family was asleep, I turned my bedside lamp on and began to read.
I read all 6 books that night, pleading with my mother to take me back to the library the next day. She refused, not believing that I had, in fact, completed each novel within the span of one night. The reason that I’ve chosen to share this memory is mainly for my own interest in igniting a similar passion for literature among my readers. So, in order to properly attain this goal, I’ve taken the initiative to begin a book club.
I currently have a rough outline for the plans of this little club, which are all subject to change, but please hear me out. Right now, I’m trying to recruit individuals living in the Sterling/NoVa area willing to meet the last sunday evening of each month and discuss a novel over wine, cheese, and some good food. You do not need to have a comprehensive education in the field of literature to join, and you certainly don’t need to have a college degree for inclusion, so please don’t feel intimidated. I would love to hear back from any of my readers or friends, so please message me on Facebook, email me, or comment on my blog. If you are not living in the NoVa area, but still have somewhat of an interest in joining, I’ll be blogging about each meeting, the books we intend to read, and the topics we discuss, so you can join in the fun on cyberspace and offer your two-cents on each novel.
That said, I hope to start this up soon so I can organize everything before school starts, so please don’t be afraid to let me know if you’re interested!!!