Saturday, March 30, 2013

Edward Scissorhands: A Monster or An Unlikely Angel?

I would hug him
everyday if I could...

When I watch a movie - whether it’s in the theater, in my basement, or on my laptop -  I desire to feel as though an impact was made on my life’s perspective after the picture’s conclusion. I want to learn an idea, an argument, a paradigm, or a philosophy that I never knew before - I want my mind, not only to be blown, but to have more neuro-pathways than it did about two hours before - (that’s the average movie time, right..?) Regardless, in my way of looking at the wonderful world of motion pictures, decent entertainment always offers something new. That’s why, and this may sound a little random, pornography is not art - sure, we’ve all seen it, and we know what it is - but it’s not entertainment because it is the same image over and over again - and that’s also the reason why I don’t believe that Andy Warhol is a credible artist. Just because someone creates a visual, that may capture our interest for a moment, it is not worthy of respect if it doesn’t truly effect or promote our intellectual growth.

I’m straying from my purpose for this post, which is to discuss a piece of entertainment that embodies every aspect of my definition of true artwork: Edward Scissorhands

Admit it, we all know someone who is a little different or helplessly weird. (For example, if you know me, then you can plead guilty to the latter statement...) Anyway, I remember when I first viewed Edward Scissorhands. I can’t recall my specific age, but I was incredibly young. You see, I’ve always known I that I’m different. Boys would tease me in pre-school because I was always in the advanced spelling classes (hard to believe, I know..) and, especially, for my big poofy hair. (Seriously, my hair was awful. My mother would make me cut it right below my ears. With hair as thick as mine, you can imagine how disastrous that looked...) And don’t worry, I wasn’t traumatized by those who would attempt to bully me, because I would always swing it back at them- I wasn’t afraid to defend myself. In regard to the character of Edward Scissorhands, however, I saw a person who was just as weird as me, but did not know how to stick up for himself the way I did. 

Edward soon cemented a permanent place in my heart. Not only for his heart wrenching vulnerability, but for all of the weird kids, underdogs, and outcasts that he represents. The movie really helped me cultivate a better idea of people - and I wanted to be Kim Boggs just so I could give Edward a big hug and tell him everything will be okay. 

Edward Scissorhands is a classic work, promoting the notion that we shouldn’t care what anybody thinks when we befriend people, weird or normal, that we may have spiritual connections with. The film really helped me see that we are all spirits living on this earth together, not solely for ourselves, but for one another, and it’s such a pity that some refuse to embrace such an awareness. Bullies, tormentors, or prejudicial spirits sadden me terribly, because they will never know true beauty if it hit them in the face. Now that is a true tragedy.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Toxic Waste: Why Do People Dump It On Us?

Two characters, Othello (left) and Iago (right), from one of my favorite plays Othello by William Shakespeare.
Othello and Iago offer a rather unique illustration of human nature, as do many Shakespearean characters. Iago remains a much more static character throughout the work, especially in regard to his toxic and malicious behavior. Othello, however, is much more dynamic, initially displaying qualities of honor, nobility, and grace. While the relationship between Othello and Iago grows, the dynamic nature of Othello's character becomes more apparent. Specifically, as Iago remains just as malicious, envious, jealous, and malevolent as he is in the beginning of the play, Othello transforms from a beloved and endearing character into a jealous and possessive one. This considerable transformation experienced by Othello is, without doubt, due to the pernicious, damaging, and destructive nature of Iago, who toxically poisoned Othello's pure heart during their so-called friendship. Through these characters, Shakespeare inadvertently warns his audience, readers, and admirers of the detriments of keeping toxic people in one's life. You cannot change them and they will only bring you down. Even if you have an inkling that someone is truly awful, go with your gut and keep this individual at a distance. Bill Shakespeare would be proud :)

"You don't ever have to feel guilty about removing toxic people from your life. It doesn't matter whether someone is a relative, romantic interest, employer, childhood friend, or a new acquaintance. You don't have to make room for people who cause you pain or make you feel small. It's one thing if a person owns up to their behavior and makes an effort to change, but if a person disregards your feelings, ignores your boundaries, and continues to treat you in a harmful way, they need to go."

I just discovered this quote on the illustrious world wide web, and it really gave me some comforting perspective on the people who I have chosen to remove from my life, or even those who have chosen to remove me from theirs. You see, I can admit that I'm not a perfect person - I truly make an effort to own my mistakes and apologize if I have genuinely hurt someone I care about - but one aspect of myself that I know is certain is that I am not, nor will I ever be, a toxic person.

My definition of someone who is genuinely toxic is an individual who is so, wholeheartedly disconnected from reality, causing said individual to have a skewed understanding of the truth which, in turn, often causes grave hurt to either a best friend, a group of people, or even a relative, to name a few. They often aim to justify their spiteful opinions, malicious actions, and poisonous words through arbitrary claims, citing that the victim is "too sensitive," "crazy, or "overreactive." No matter what these toxic people say, they attempt to prove that the victim or victims are somehow deserving of such treatment - making it okay. 

In addition, especially when it comes to male-female relations, we often see an incredible disrespect for each other's boundaries. I have had friends who break up, for example, and it is made clear by at least one of the parties that a future between them will never occur, either because the toxic individual cheated, emotionally hurt the other consistently, or even blatantly disregarded anybody but themselves in the relationship. Yet, hypothetically speaking, the toxic "other half" will persistently and emotionally harass the other. 

We have all, at some point in our lives, hurt someone else. It's a part of growing up and it's a part of being human. None of us are perfect, but if you know you have genuinely hurt someone, reflect on it a little - and apologize. Take accountability. Knowing how and when to apologize is a sign of incredible strength. Knowing when to back off is also another admirable sign of strength and respecting another's space, though it may be difficult- even if it is someone you care for, is equally as commendable. Toxic people are weak, deluded, and poisonous. Allowing people like this into your life is so detrimental to your own state of mind- as they implicitly influence you to engage in similar behavior. If, however, you are not a toxic person, you'll know in your heart when it is time to cut someone out of your life. 

Never allow anyone to make you feel smaller than you are, and never allow anyone to hoist and selfishly lift themselves up at your expense. Stick up for yourself, let go, and move on, because, more often than not, they will never change. Or, if the tables are turned, and someone has made a clear boundary toward you, and is hesitant to allow you into his/her life- just respect it. That's the best you can do. Even though it might hurt and feel a little humiliating, don't make the situation as worse as a toxic person would in similar circumstances. It's all about respect- an attribute that those with a toxic mind lack. Just as we have all hurt others at some point in our lives, we have also experienced rejection, denial, and degradation from others - another aspect of being human. However, the toxic show no curtesy, no humility, and no remorse during such experiences, failing to respect boundaries and failing to respect someone's constructive opinion of their toxic behavior, which, of course, causes them to neglect extending an apology to anyone who might deserve it and, in turn, causes them to refrain from taking true accountability for the hurt they might have caused. It's easy to say that you did something wrong, but it's not really taking accountability if one does not genuinely apologize and does not make a true effort to change his/her vulgar, hateful, and ungracious behavior, if, of course, he/she has exhibited such toxic conduct.  This is not to say, for example, that we aren't allowed to take temporary breaks from people for other, various reasons who are actually  good at heart, but there are always those who are genuinely twisted and they'll never learn. 

Cut 'em out soon and cut 'em out quick!

Monday, March 11, 2013

A Gilded Page from a Royal Diary

August 31, 1997

Pont de l'Alma in Paris
There is still nothing worse than a broken heart. Not just from men, but from the swarms of bees, lies, and deceit that life releases - never faltering to break your heart. I have been there. I have been broken and I have been shattered. Why won’t it stop? Why cannot life just be normal? Why can’t I be normal?

I know what people say about me - about my persona. I can read body language, minds even. I really do have an unbelievable ability to observe. My people watching skills are magnificent and I can interpret a thought simply by the way a girl may flip her hair, by the way my sons looks up at the ceiling, or by the way a man might look at me. 

Everyone thinks I am incredibly dull, some would even refer to me as silly, frivolous, and stupid, which I understand. He thinks I’m stupid. He thinks I’m rather stupid and I am hesitant to go out tonight because I’m afraid I might say something ridiculously stupid. I hate that word. I used to hate seeing him because, like I said, I know what he thinks about me before he says anything. I knew the type of person he was without knowing him at all. I knew him, yet he was so distant. I know what he thinks of me. I know the good, I know the bad, and I know the disturbingly yet undeniable ugly. 

The truth hurts. It can pierce with a sting so sharp causing someone as seemingly grandiose as myself to remain in bed for days. But sometimes the truth is also beautiful. The truth is a captivating illustration of who we are, maybe that’s why I’m so afraid to look at my truth - to look at my mind-numbing insecurities and tell them to go away. Far away. My inability to face the reality of who I am has caused me, not only to overlook my faults, but my strengths, as well. We must all be careful, however, to know when others, - maybe a best friend, maybe a brother, maybe a sister - are criticizing us and guising their judgments as truth, out of their personal uncertainties, using their targets as a disgusting, selfish outlet to alleviate their envy, jealousy, and hate.

I trust his judgment though. He loves me. He loves me so much. He would never abuse the hold he has on me. He will tell me what he thinks, but never wantonly. He does love me. He loves me so much it’s overwhelming at times, because I can feel it even when he’s not directly next to me- I can feel his deep love and longing for me from Egypt to Saudi Arabia, from London to Paris, and from the movie set to the department store on Brompton Road. 

He sees me for who I am: a woman with a big, breakable heart - who loves too much. Not solely in the romantic sense, but I would give my soul to the world, which, in many ways, I already have. I have given it to my friends, my boys, and those who genuinely need me - all at the expense of my happiness, my needs, and my satisfaction. You see, I’m not very much different from any woman in this world. We’re raised to be selfless, loving, pure creatures, yet we may be the least pure of them all. Wouldn’t you agree that unhappiness is a poison? Then maybe one would understand why I am already deeply corroded.

I am surrounded by an abundance of blessings, an unlimited supply of adoration and regard, yet none of this matters in the life of a woman with a broken heart - with a broken spirit. One may deem me ungrateful, but I can assure you that I may be the least ungrateful of them all. Why would I sacrifice a life of happiness for this one? For one that I get spiritually beaten, emotionally bruised, ridiculed and tormented everyday? Because I’m ungrateful? No. It is simply because I am too grateful for this life, the life that has been bestowed on me, that I have abandoned one in which pure happiness was possible. I have come to discover that no matter how difficult life is, however, if a woman has someone to love, and someone who reciprocates this love, then she will be fine. She will gallantly survive, persevere, and persist. Though happiness will never permanently remain in my life, it is present within a fraction of it and, through the loyalty, love, respect and immeasurable affection from my family, friends, and following, I have strength. 

I know not how long I may remain on this earth, but I am certain that I will live, and continue to live, for the benefit of others over myself. Who are we if not guardian angels  for our fellow brothers and sisters? I am The People’s Princess, and I am the people’s princess, just as any woman, girl, or lady has the potential to be. 

I’m obliged, even willing, to disregard what I want and what I need for those I most humbly protect and serve, and those who most graciously offer me the privilege to do so, yet, after all, even with this, with this glorious life, with this sublime reality, with this unfathomable atmosphere of incomprehensible wealth, there is still nothing worse than a broken heart...Nothing at all.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Thrill of the Chase: Why So Essential in Relationships?

"The Siren"
by John William Waterhouse
(c. 1900)
Sirens had mad game...

“Man is the hunter; woman is his game. The sleek and shining creatures of the chase, we hunt them for the beauty of their skins; they love us for it, and we ride them down.” 
-Alfred, Lord Tennyson

I had lunch with a co-worker today and we were both discussing the importance, wait - let me rephrase, the necessity of the chase in the dating game. I’m not gonna lie, I’m really attracted to masculinity. Though I’m a little feminine (wait, let’s be real) - Though I’m likely the girliest girly girl you’ll ever meet, there’s nothing more exciting to me than a big strong guy who knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to get it. I love guys - and I feel so blessed, as a female, that I’m able to really appreciate them for everything they bring to the table. I love a guy I can really hold onto, especially one who makes me feel protected, appreciated, and cherished. Also, and I realize I’m about to sound incredibly girly and I can literally feel the collective eye rolls from some of my male readers, but I love a guy who treats me like a princess. There. I said it.  And if there’s anything wrong with that, then I don’t know what to tell you because that’s genuinely the way I feel and I can’t help it. I’ve always felt this way, and, believe it or not, I was the stereotypical little girl who would dream about my future wedding dress, my Prince Charming, and my fairytale happy ending. To a certain degree, maybe some of my thoughts toward the opposite sex has unconsciously been engrained in me since I was born through society, the media, and our culture, but I’ve already been corrupted and this is how I’m wired so get over it...
Anyway, so what I really wanted to touch on in this post is the significance of the chase in any relationship. No matter your sexual orientation, I’m sure we all desire someone who is a little more mysterious, a little more of a challenge, and a little more dangerous than most. We want someone who is different, someone who sets themselves apart from the crowd, especially from our pool of potential suitors. Just from my own experience in relationships, and when I find a guy actually like, I become incredibly awkward. Don’t get me wrong, I have so many great guy friends and I have no problems going up to the opposite sex, being myself, and talking to boys- but, when feelings get involved, I just turn into a complete weirdo. So, the advice I would like to share with you (especially to my female readers, since that’s who I really give the best advice to because, after all, I am one...) is advice I wish someone imparted on me at so many points in my love life, and even though I’ve heard it so, so many times, let the guy chase you
When you initially start dating someone, it is all about the chase. Don’t be afraid to let a guy miss you, don’t be afraid to blow him off, and don’t be afraid to have your own life. Another piece of advice I’ll offer, and I don’t mean to offend anyone, is don’t have sex until you’re 1,000% positive that you’ll be in a relationship with this person, especially if it’s someone you like. Of course, we all have those lustful feelings, it’s natural, and I know it can be difficult, because you may think you want it just as badly as he does. New Flash: You’re a girl. You never want it as badly as a guy does. We’re blessed with that attribute, and don’t be afraid to use it.
So now you know that you need to let the guy come after you, show less availability, and be a little more prudent, you must always, always, always leave things to his imagination. Imagination is everything. I’ll admit, even though I’m not perfect when it comes to relationships, one thing I’m really good at is enticing a guy’s imagination. I’ve said this before, the sexiest girl is not the one whose everyday style consists of barely-there clothing (it’s only okay during Halloween, concerts, etc.), but the one who shows off her body in a more covert, tasteful, and classy way - and especially one whose personality correlates with the covert, tasteful, and classy clothes she wears. Like I said, guys want it more than we do and girls have the power to play with that fatal, male flaw. Don’t be afraid to tease him a little bit with the energy you exude. I’m telling you, a guy will remember you and he won’t even realize he does when you toy with his imagination. Then he’ll definitely want to chase you.
So, I’ve provided some helpful tools to allow the thrill of the dating chase to be a little more, well, thrilling. Don’t be so available, don’t have sex, be classy, and have fun teasing a guy’s imagination. If a girl adopts the latter qualities, she will have guys begging at her feet, and, more importantly, the guy she actually wants.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Colors, Colors, Colors: What Do Yours Say About You?

A Hindu woman wearing a bindi on her forehead,
representing her third eye.

One of my favorite aspects about dressing up, down, and choosing outfits for school, work, or play is mixing and matching the colors of the clothes I wear. I love color, and I could go on about how much I adore the various hues of nature, the beautiful glimmer of a golden sun hitting a crisp, blue ocean over the summer, and even the transition of the green summer leaves into a mesmerizing mixture of oranges, yellows, reds, and browns during Fall. 
Style is not only a mere, frivolous interest to me, it is one of my true passions, devotions, and loves. Style is not defined by how much money you have, how many pieces of clothing are in your wardrobe, or the cost of your favorite dresses, it is characterized by the individual. I’m about to get a little philosophical, but I wholeheartedly believe that the colors anyone chooses to wear is a visible extension of their spirit, sublimely illustrating an unconscious feeling, emotion, or deep sense of awareness. Sometimes, we don’t even realize we’re projecting a certain aspect of inner beings when we dress. So, in this little post, I intend to provide my readers with an understanding of what some of our favorite colors represent in the metaphysical sense, and what these foundational colors say about who we are and, of course, what it says about us when we wear them.
I’ve discussed the aura in a previous post, but I provided more of an understanding of its construction rather than the differing colors the aura projects, which is also a critical aspect of the aura’s fundamental design. These colors, believe it or not, are very present in our wardrobes...

It may not come as a surprise, but this vibrant color represents passion, energy, sexuality, will power, and self esteem. People who wear red get noticed. I’m wearing it right this second and I’ve already fallen victim to its magnificent powers!! Side note: As I hate being too matchy-matchy (a BIG no-no in my eyes!!), I chose to embellish my red top with blue earrings and a gold necklace- balances so well together! I’ll get into what blue indicates shortly...

I love orange. It represents creativity, excitement, production, and stamina. It is similar to red in that they both represent strong energy, but orange is more emblematic of one’s ability to produce or create. It provides a more focused energy based on passion.

Okay, now this is absolutely one of my favorite colors, and I don’t have a particular favorite, because I love so many, but yellow is definitely in my top 3. Anyway, yellow represents optimism, playfulness, intelligence, and, like orange, creativity. Yellow always puts me in a good mood and I simply cannot get enough of it.

Green is also another incredible color, representing growth, peace, harmony, and respect for nature, people, and living beings. For example, green would likely be a prevalent color in a doctor, teacher, or nurse’s aura.

I absolutely love blue! Like I said, I’m wearing blue earrings to compliment my red shirt! This color represents clarity, honesty, communication, spirituality, and, like green, also peace. It doesn’t surprise me that blue and red work really well together- the deeply calm nature of blue balances out the strong vigor of red really nicely!!

Indigo is our third eye, representing intuition, sensitivity, and that deep sense of knowing. This color is prominent in the Hindu religion, in which the third eye chakra is often viewed as one of the most valued aspects of the spirit, often celebrated with a bindi.

Violet is very similar to indigo primarily for its connection to the intuition. In some senses, it is basically an extension of the indigo color. Indigo is our intuition, but violet represents our intuitive connection to a higher being, the universe, and spirituality. Indigo is our basic intuition that almost everyone has, but violet represents true psychic energy. So, if you’re feeling a little foggy, incorporate some violet in your wardrobe!!

So there you have it!! There are obviously more colors found in the aura, but these are the main ones. I’m telling you, even if you don’t incorporate these colors in the clothes you wear, you can incorporate them into your life somehow. Need a little more green?  More violet, indigo, blue, orange, or yellow in your aura, too? Believe it or not, all of these colors are found in nature. Pick some green grass, some beautifully colored flowers, or even a rose and keep it in a container by your bedside overnight. Don’t be afraid to awaken your spirit with some color! It makes such a difference, especially if you know what these colors do for your own well-being, happiness, and, of course, aura.