Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Happy One

I had not smiled in a quite awhile. And I did not plan to smile that day - in those moments - but he made me feel beautiful. Not because he loved me in a romantic way, but in the way that a friend may love you. That is, after all, the best kind of love. It is far less likely that such a relationship will break your heart, your spirit, and I know this one will not.

He was so kind and tender with his words that I could feel my soul healing with every brush stroke, every etched line and crevice he so masterfully crafted. So I showed him no sign of a broken heart - of my broken heart. It’s wonderful what such an exchange of the human spirit can do to a soul - and none more than the exchange of an artist and his muse. And I am the muse. The muse portrayed with the happiness due to me!! And I will always love him for it. Though he did not complete the work for me, he triumphed in the completion of my upset, my sadness. 

I lost my little girl four years ago. I did not know what would become of me without her - without her here with me - and the hole in my heart grew to to a depth too grossly immense, too vividly substantial, that it’s dissolution and eradication seemed so far out of my reach. Too far out of my grasp. I healed rather minimally through my sweet and blessed children, my husband, and my glorious friends - who never failed to uplift my spirits, but there was always a piece missing. One I could not fulfill.

Sadness is a poison. It seeps through the veins of the disheartened so mercilessly, so unsympathetically, that it will turn the most benevolent and kindhearted souls into spirits of coldness and indestructible stone. I remember feeling such sadness that I could not feel my toes - and I could not get out of my sweet bed - because I could not feel my heart. My heart was missing. It was so hurt by me - by my loss - that it could not live happily in my own body. My heart was hurt. Plain and simple. My heart hurt.

But how he fulfilled my heart for me! What is a woman if she is not the leading lady of her own life? Of her own destiny? And this is what he asked me and inquired of me. And I know that a woman’s worth is of great value, and she should not be sorrowful if she has so much to live for and look forward to! How I love him for breathing such life into me and how I love him for showing me a way - and I will forever be known as the happy one because of him. I promise that I will return this to him with a smile - one that I will have forever. I could never repay him -- no amount of money, no amount of diamonds or gold  can compensate him for what he did for me. For the energy he gave to me. And whenever I think of him, I am given life again! I can think so clearly and I can actually do what I never thought possible - because he healed me with a simple brush stroke. With his art. He risked his station in life for me - he risked his career to heal me - and I will never forget it. I am forever indebted to him, for turning the light in my soul on again. And I will pay him back with my happiness,

I will pay him back with a smile.

Monday, December 28, 2015

My Reasons to Despair And Hope In the Name of Climate Change

Reason for despair:  Denial of climate change, inaction revolving around its indisputable reality, and reduced education in the fight for climate change mitigation are a few reasons to despair over such a global, environmental epidemic. Those who refuse to acknowledge that humans are majorly, or at least partially, responsible for the rise in the global temperature, the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and the reduction of glacial ice, for example, pose more of a hazard to Earth than any other entity on the planet. We are seeing global warming at an unprecedented level, and it will  continue to worsen with any communal, definitively blind refutation revolving around its grave existence or any other assertion maintaining that humans bear no responsibility over Earth’s welfare and its increasingly fragile condition. I numbingly despair over those who deny climate change and its effects on our dear planet.

Reasons to hope: With the COP21 and other efforts to educate the world, encourage political action, and seek global solidarity in the fight to reduce climate change, I have hope that we will achieve a stable, environmental temperature, necessitate the creation of the tools and technology required to further aid in the mitigation of global warming, and foster an international consensus on the realities and threats of climate change. China, for example, is becoming a leader in the realm of climate change mitigation, and the country’s promise to reduce coal emissions is a huge step forward in this global effort. Their initiative is truly inspiring, simultaneously encouraging the rest of the world to follow suit -- promoting solidarity, support, and, most importantly, education.

Saturday, December 19, 2015


Once upon a time there lived a princess. She lived in a world filled with gold, diamonds, and silver. Her favorite color was pink and her favorite food was cake. All kinds of cake. But she was still the size of a peanut. Her favorite day was Christmas and her favorite season was summer. How she loved summer time. The warmth of the golden air and the light of the sun’s strength beaming against her translucent skin. It was romantic and dazzling enough to be written about in any story, novella, or poem. Yes, summer was her favorite season, and during the cold winter months it was all she could think and dream about. 

Saturday, December 12, 2015


What should I write about today? I have this century’s worst case of writer’s block, and it won’t seem to shake. What do you write about on days when you cannot think of anything at all to pen on a sheet of paper, of an idea to artistically convey via the medium of language and literature?? Maybe I should just write about my writer’s block, then, ey? Well, it’s not very interesting. A short story, perhaps? Of what? I’m thinking of a young girl - and why a young girl, you ask? Young girls don’t have much of a voice in the world and I could provide such a voice to a girl who needs and deserves one, despite how miniature my own twitter and blogging platform is. Hm..