So we’re at a point in the presidential race in which claims that it is SO historical because it is one in which we must decide between the lesser of two evils are running rampant. We must decide who is the worthier candidate solely based on which one possesses a lesser degree of immorality, fraud, and overall malevolence. Well, I think this is a really toxic way of looking at things. It insinuates that both Trump and Clinton are evil, and we must choose the candidate that is less likely to drop bombs on Syria - but still likely to. The candidate who is less likely to impede on women’s rights - but still likely to. The candidate who is less likely to dismantle and overthrow systematic healthcare, but still likely to.
No, no, and no.
I refuse to promote the argument that both are evil and we must choose the lesser villain. Yes, I formerly viewed both candidates as largely wicked, but my disdain for Trump, no pun intended, TRUMPS everything. I refuse to view Hillary as the more mediocre candidate when she is our only hope at beating this dictator, this master-mind of manipulation, gender degradation, and corrupt business. This grossly infected specimen of a human being that is more sensitive to the words in a 140-character tweet than to the lives of the college-students he cheated at Trump University. She is not the lesser of two evils, because, simply put: Trump is the greatest evil of all and Hillary is a saint in comparison.
So - it’s down to you, dear voter - are you gonna remain independent or a non-voter, simultaneously removing your voice from a political debate that needs it, or are you gonna step up to the plate and say what needs to be said: We CANNOT give this election to Trump. We CANNOT endorse the notion that Hillary is the lesser of two evils if we are to see Trump’s political demise. And we CANNOT give a racist, xenophobic imbecile anymore of a platform to display his theatre, antics, and misogyny than we already have.
I will give my voice to this election. I’m not going to give a CELEBRITY a role he does not deserve or one he is not capable of fulfilling. And I most certainly will not endorse the notion that Hillary is comparable to an exponentially greater evil. Because I’m with what is right and I’m with what makes America GREAT already. So I’M WITH HER and will forever be. #Hillary2016