Monday, July 16, 2012

A Peek in the Future: What’s in a Palm?

I apologize for my brief hiatus from the blogosphere, but I wanted to come back with a post that was interesting, fascinating, and, with me as its author, assuredly kinda crazy. So, today, for the first time in my entire life, I had my palm read. I know that there are several skeptics out there and I’ve definitely been one of them in regard to the psychic phenomena, but my experience today has made me an avid believer.
Everything the psychic told me could not have been more spot on. Now, I won’t share all of my reading, but I’ll share a few secrets that are rather amusing so I hope I make a believer out of all of you, as well.
One of the first pieces of information that the psychic shared with me is that I, too, share a strong psychic energy. She encouraged me to go with my gut because I have incredibly good instincts about people as well as a top-notch intuition. She spoke about my friends, family, love life, career, and varying aspects of my personality. She told me that I’m not a selfish person at all, but people who don’t know me well view me as “conceited.” She also told me that I need to let others see the “real” me because I have a “good soul,” so I guess it wouldn’t hurt if I humbled my self a tad...
She then began about my future jobs adamantly saying (and I quote) that I have great intelligence and the capability for a career, I just currently lack the motivation. Seriously, she stressed the fact that my “intelligence is all there” and it’s not lacking in any way, I just need to put it to good use. On top of this, she told me that I’m an extremist, with addictive tendencies, meaning when I do something- I do it to the fullest- so she encouraged me to channel this energy toward something positive, like working out or eating healthy, or even my future career, not through booze...
Then we have my love life. She told me that I’m not ready for an intense relationship at all right now, and that I should just stick to dinner-dates, dancing, and a good time. She also said that I have no interest in boys who like me, but the boys who I like don’t give me “much feedback.” Just some food for thought...
So, you can judge for yourself whether or not you believe in this kind of stuff, but I can promise you that it has given me answers I desperately need in my life right now. Take it as you will, but I can assure you that my reading could not have been more accurate. If you need details about the psychic I went to, please message me on Facebook or e-mail me! And thanks for reading! xxx

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