Friday, August 24, 2012

Dating Dilemma Pt. II: What Constitutes as Boyfriend Material?

Pepé Le Pew, I'm sure he could certainly
benefit from some of my advice..
Though I’ve never had a real, live boyfriend, my lack of a genuine romantic relationship has given me time to ponder, observe, and question that magic, invisible wall between men and women, especially when it comes to love. I know what girls want and, since I am one, I can give my male readers some serious advice on how to become boyfriend material. Yes, this post is geared towards the guys, but I would absolutely love some input from my female readers as well, because no one knows what we look for in a boyfriend better than us. And, since I have a strict open-door policy when it comes to my blog, I would love feedback from some of my male readers who are looking for, or have found, that special guy in their lives (I’m currently working on dating advice for my gay audience, so I would love as many opinions as possible. Though this particular post is directed more toward a heterosexual audience, I could still use your advice on what makes a guy boyfriend material!) Anyway, especially in my generation, many boys I know have no clue how to approach relationships, so please accept my guidance because, and I say this with all due respect, it’s time to take off your 14-year-old little boy cap and step your game up.
Only toddler pic of me on my computer I could find.
I really wanted to showcase my
Pebbles Flinstone halloween costume, but that pic was
nowhere to be found.
I had a bone in my hair and everything...

Okay, I’m gonna set up a hypothetical situation, it goes as follows: you see a disgustingly sexy girl that you don’t know at a bar, you really want to approach her but you have no idea how to get her attention. Don’t worry, I’m not going to discourage you from speaking to her, but since this is your first interaction with her, please don’t play the asshole who just wants to get some. If you really want to become a boyfriend, you have to give up these behaviors and approach every girl as if they were mere friends, innocent until proven guilty. If you’ve been a player for too long and you’re really making efforts to find that special girl, I have devised a secret test that you can implement when approaching women. Every girl you meet, see, or interact with, especially within the 18-25 year age range, were once little 5 year old girls learning how to ride a bike, playing jumprope on the pavement, and eating cake batter any chance they could (which I still do...). My point is this, when you approach a girl for the first time that you genuinely want to be with, don’t say a word that would be inappropriate for her inner-5-year-old to hear. I’m not saying speak to her like she’s a baby, but make sure you approach her in an incredibly neutral, non-threatening way. If you can’t handle us when we’re just toddlers, then you don’t deserve us at any age, proving that you still have work to do in the boyfriend department.
Okay, now we’re moving past the initial interaction and both of you are going on a date (which you better pay for- and I don’t mean to sound like a gold-digger, because everyone knows I’m not, and I’ll always offer to pay my share of the meal, but it’s such a turn off when guys don’t pay for the meal- especially on the first date). Anyway, if she green-lighted a date, she’s saying it’s okay for you to be less guarded and show her more of who you really are. Her inner-child isn’t there anymore, and it’s okay to crack a few jokes here and there. We love humor, personality, intellect, and interesting conversation- so, if you can provide this on a date, she’ll likely come back for more. Make sure you listen, listen, listen to what she has to say, and this shouldn't be a problem if you really want to be with this girl. 
A huge turn on is a guy who can actually resist temptation. If you’re willing to go to any lengths to get some, you clearly have very poor, low standards. A girl with self-respect will not want to date you, especially if the only girls willing to satisfy you are sleaze balls. If you want a really awesome girlfriend, you cannot have any romantic or physical links to anybody else, she has to be the only girl in your eyes. Also, please don’t settle for girls that make you question whether or not there are real feelings present between you two. If you have to question the way you feel for a girl, it’s more than likely a situation that will go down hill. You will know when the time is right to settle, and you will find someone who is absolutely perfect for you. So break ties sooner rather than later, so you can have your own peace of mind back before you're actually ready to search for the real deal.
Another type of guy I cannot stand is the couch potato. I’m not saying he has to make all the money in the world, because I can totally do that for myself, but I’m just saying it’s important for guys to have passion and drive in their life, no matter their chosen career. So, please, get off your butt and do something.
Reliability, generosity, awareness, loyalty, and the ability to commit are also qualities we look for in guys. Another quality we appreciate is the capability to communicate your true feelings for us. Even if it seems as though the time isn’t truly right, or you have a fear of rejection, what’s the worst that could happen? If there is a girl who is worth it, you will tell her how you feel- even if you have to walk across mountains to do it. You will make sure she knows, so don’t play games because we definitely don’t have time for that. We also like guys who respect us, not pressuring us to get physical sooner than we want to. Even though sex is important in any romantic relationship, it’s nice to know that you don’t want to be with us only for our bodies, especially if you want to become boyfriend material.
Okay, so I think I’ve covered the basics. If there are any qualities or traits of the quintessential boyfriend that I may have left out, please feel free to offer your feedback! Thanks again for reading!

P.S. If you embody all of the aforementioned qualities, all you need to do now is wear deodorant, take showers, find clothes that fit, and brush your teeth/hair and you’ll be well on your way to becoming boyfriend material!! Now go get her!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Saw My Psychic Again Today: What’s in Your Destiny?

"The Crystal Ball"
by John William Waterhouse (1902)
So, I saw my psychic again today and I was absolutely blown away by the accuracy of her reading. Last time I saw her, she requested that I come back around my birthday and, since it was only a couple of days ago, she was able to gather more insight regarding my present and future circumstances. Apparently, in astrology, new opportunities and blessings arrive around one’s birthday, so psychics are able to draw more information and, therefore, provide a keener reading of one’s destiny.
We spoke about my family, friends, career, money, and love life. The first piece of information she told me, like last time, was that I have definite psychic energy, and I need to listen to it more, comparing it to a “GPS.” She then told me I’m “very intelligent,” and that’s where things got interesting...
I told her that I’m starting school this thursday for my paralegal certificate, and she told me it was a step in the right direction, but she asserted that I will become a businesswoman one day. She said I have very strong business qualities (which I’m sure I got from my father) and that I will be working with “very important people” internationally. She understood, without me saying a word, that the ability to provide for myself is very important to me and that I don’t need to worry about $ as much as I do because I will definitely be able to “stand on my own two feet” when I’m older. 
She then began talking about my friends, telling me that I have great relationships with many people around me, and I’m going to make many more this year, which got me pretty excited. She also told me that when I’m in a good mood people are drawn to my positivity, making people I know around me happy. When I’m in a bad mood, however, I’m a nightmare to be around- and my family can vouch for that...
We then began talking about my, um, “interesting” love life for a while, especially in comparison to last time. I really have no clue who this person is, but she told me that there was a particular boy in my life who was pretty interested in me a while ago and I didn’t acknowledge his feelings because I was “preoccupied” and I wasn’t fully aware of how strongly he felt for me. But he became “preoccupied” when I showed interest in him. Apparently he has lighter eyes than me, but I still have no idea who this person is because I’ve had quite a few situations like this, and I really don’t want to read to much into it. Anyway, then she said that me and this individual have a connection, but timing has not been on our side for us to have an actual relationship. Then she said he was in no condition to be a boyfriend right now, affirming that he’s a huge partier and in a highly tempting atmosphere. If I had a dime for every guy I’ve had connections with who I could apply this to...
Anyway, she said we’ll be on neutral ground over Thanksgiving providing us the opportunity to determine if there is still “energy” between us. I guess I’ll figure out who it is by then, but I am not going to stress over it.
Then she started talking about other little flings I’ve had, which was actually incredibly funny because she was more than accurate about those, but I don’t want to give too much away about that...
And just as I began to feel a little deflated about my relationship prospects, she said that next month I will meet a potential love who I haven’t had any close communication with, but he lives in my area. She said that he’s very attractive, tall, older than me with light eyes, and has a keen interest in writing, music, and art. She then said he’s very calming, sweet, and down to earth, and I won’t feel anxious or betrayed by him.
She then said that she saw marriage in my future and I should be wifey’d up in 5 years, when I’m about 27, and she said I won’t get a divorce. Apparently, I’m also going to have children and she said that I am going to be a very “kind and compassionate” mom.
She told me that I’m a very genuine person and I’m not phony in any way. She knows that if I don’t like someone, I definitely will not act like I do, but she made it clear that I have a good soul and energy. 
So, that’s a summary of our session today, and if you ever need answers, advice, or guidance, this woman is the person to go to. She is the real deal, so if you would like to speak with a genuine psychic, please contact me via e-mail or Facebook and I can give you her information- and, as always, thanks for reading!!

Monday, August 20, 2012

A Dating Dilemma: What Constitutes as Girlfriend Material?

"The Birth of Venus"
by William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1879)
Venus is the goddess of love,
beauty, pleasure, and fertility.
She is the pinnacle of girlfriend material!

Despite the fact that I’ve been hopelessly single for virtually my entire life (only had a 4-day “official” boyfriend in eighth grade who I dumped over an e-mail...), I cannot help but wonder, especially from a male perspective, is there a specific set of unwritten requirements for a lady you would call a “girlfriend?” I understand that many of my posts garner more interest from a female audience, but I would love feedback from some of my male readers, especially on this post. In general, I have a pretty good understanding of relationships between boys and girls, but, out of my own personal curiosity, I would love to have a more in-depth knowledge of the girls boys hate and the girls they date. The only way to obtain a sharper comprehension of this topic is to go directly to the source- so, guys, what are the qualities you seek in the ideal female mate?
From my perspective, and after years of romantic mishaps, I have some idea of what guys look for in a love affair simply because I definitely know what they don’t like, giving me room to assume what they do. One trait that I’ve noticed boys adore in a girl is a sense of humility. When a girl can make fun of herself, it makes men feel as though they aren’t competing with anyone, allowing them to let their guard down and feel so much more comfortable.  
I’ve also noticed, and I could be completely wrong, but guys like a girl who is a little bit dramatic. I’m not saying you should go crazy if you discover a harmless text, Facebook message, or tweet sent to him from another lady, but don’t be afraid to let him know if he genuinely hurts you. Keep in mind that you don’t want to be the girl who cries wolf all the time, because when he does truly act in a way that harms the relationship, he won’t acknowledge your feelings, claiming that you’re just, for lack of a better word, a little cray-cray (which all girls can be at times). Also, when you let him know he has hurt you, only if he really has, it shows that you care about him staying in your life. If you’re just passive all the time, he won’t think that you’re entirely invested in the relationship, and nobody wants that.
Also, guys don’t really respect possessive or jealous girls, which is more than fair because I definitely cannot handle possessive or jealous guys. Everyone needs their freedom, and guys love girls who let them have their boys’ nights (with no interruptions!), who do not make snide comments toward a perceived female threat, and who have their own life. In addition, jealousy is such an ugly, unattractive quality, and there are no excuses for acting inappropriately toward someone out of spite. So please don’t be mean or hateful toward every girl he communicates with because, ultimately, he will end up being mean and hateful towards you. Despite this, he still wants to feel loved, so make him feel needed, not controlled.
Alright, now this is a quality I’ve definitely noticed that guys indescribably appreciate: a girl who is not self-conscious. All girls definitely have their insecurities, but when you’re getting intimate with your man, don’t let him know you feel that way. When a boy gets excited, they want the girl more than she wants him. He will not reject you because of your love handles, your cellulite, or your monster thighs. In fact, guys like a girl with a little meat on her bones anyway, so even if you’re feeling insecure, just act like you don’t because it ruins the mood when you do. Intimacy is such an important part of any romantic relationship, so if you don't let yourself go with him a little bit, then he'll find someone who does. Nobody said it better than Julia Roberts herself in Eat, Pray, Love when she’s speaking to her friend who is concerned about how men will perceive her after her weight gain in Italy as they pig out on pizza (sorry, I know that was a mouthful- no pun intended), “In all the years that you have undressed in front of a gentleman has he ever asked you to leave? Has he ever walked out and left? No? It's because he doesn't care! He's in a room with a naked girl, he just won the lottery.” The truth. 
Then here are some givens, but guys value honesty, brains, independence, loyalty, the ability to be his best friend, and, especially, discretion. Show a boy you have all of these qualities and he will definitely respect you, even if he doesn’t currently want a girlfriend. Always make him feel as though you are friends first because the basis of any quality romantic relationship is a friendship. Build up the level of trust and commitment so he feels comfortable enough to refer to you as his girlfriend.
This might be way too old-fashioned, but guys love a girl who can cook (just as girls love a guy who can cook!), but, seriously, sometimes the way to a guy’s heart is through his stomach. Also, transitioning from the kitchen, out of all our 5 senses, the sense of smell is the strongest trigger of the human memory. So, if you smell good, he’ll likely remember you, even if he doesn’t want to admit it. The ability to style yourself is also important, even though some guys could care less, but dressing cute will definitely get their attention.
Okay, so I think I’ve enumerated some of the central qualities present in any female who is deemed “girlfriend material.” I may have left a few traits out, but I think this is a pretty accurate outline of what guys want. And, again, I would love feedback from my male readers because nobody knows what guys look for in girlfriends better than you, so don’t be shy! And thanks for reading!! xxx

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Scapegoating: Where’s the Respect?

Dr. Seuss' "The Sneetches"
The star-belly sneetches scapegoat
the plain-belly sneetches and vice versa
in the story.

Though I’m only 22 years old, I’ve lived long enough to know what pure judgement feels like. I know what it feels like when others attach unfair, misconstrued labels to my persona, and I know what it feels like to have fabricated stories told about me behind my back. I’m sure I’m not the only individual who has had these experiences and I’m certain that I’m not the only person who knows what it feels like to reside on the receiving end of spite. I know I am just one girl, and I can’t turn every evil eye away from me, or anyone else, over night, but I can make suggestions to improve these specific circumstances.
I have discovered that great moral strength stems from great self-respect. When others cannot see the positive in themselves, they often fail to see the positive in anyone else. These poor self perceptions sometimes result in personal unhappiness, which is temporarily relieved through gossip, impetuosity, and unnecessary prejudice. When others provide me with such treatment, it becomes difficult to ignore. It becomes difficult to stop and it becomes difficult to prevent. The helplessness that one may feel when receiving undeserving criticism, whether its blatant or done when the victim is not present, is a trap that is forced on the scapegoat by the perpetrator’s unsettling actions.
Though I can’t alter this facet of human nature, I have learned to embrace the fragility of life, acknowledging its worth as well as its true value. We can be a delicate species, we can be a malicious species, and we can even be a benevolent species. What category do you want to fall in? Will you be someone who is envious of others? Who is willing to destroy the spirit of someone who may have more money, power, or fame than you? Or will you offer compassion? Will you help someone who is down? Will you be there for a suffering individual who needs aid? This is strictly up to you, but I refuse to endorse the art of scapegoating as earnestly as I refuse to accept that role. Don’t blame others for your shortcomings, as they will only become shorter. As this behavior becomes a habit, it transforms into an unfortunately permanent fixture of one’s character.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Puscifer’s “Rev 22-20”: Simple Song or Grand Tribute to the Succubus?

"Lillith" by John Collier (1892)
A succubus of ancient mythology.
Listen to Puscifer's "Rev 22:20" here!!
In religion, mythical stories, art, and literature, the Succubus character is identified as a demonic being disguising itself in the female form, often victimizing men in their dreams and reality. These malevolent spirits are characterized by their inexhaustible pursuit of the male soul, heart, and men’s obsessive adoration through sexual intercourse. These women thrive on seducing their victims, gaining more and more power with each conquered soul. A succubus is a master seductress, manipulator, and deceiver, displaying zero remorse for the lives and men they ruin. So, I strongly advise all of my male readers to run if you ever come across one of these hell-beings, but, of course, you’ll be too enraptured with the alluring charm of the succubus’ sexuality, so you’re pretty much screwed.
Apparently, Puscifer’s frontman Maynard James Keenan had an interaction with one of these succubians, recording his experience in the hit “REV 22:20.” Of course, we don’t really know that he met such a demon, but we can logically assume that he wrote this little tune about a woman, or temptress, who possessed similar qualities to a succubus being. The pulsating rhythms in the work, beginning with voice projections from a female singer constructs a fascinating musical opening, literally drawing the listener in. When Keenan’s vocals begin, one can feel his desire for this woman, claiming that “If [he’s] gotta sin to see her again then [he’s] gonna lie, lie, lie.” In addition, the raspy, low nature of his voice further exposes his desperation to be with this individual, peaking approximately 3 minutes and 35 seconds into the ballad, fiercely claiming that “[His] pulse has been rising/ [His] temples are pounding/ The pressure is so overwhelming and building/ So steady now freddy,” affirming that he’s “ready to blow,” finally begging “What is she waiting for?” Evidently, he fell right into the succubus trap, as all men do.
Moving on from my brief analysis of the song, I would like to share my own opinion of the work, hopefully offering you an understanding about why I love “Rev 22-20” so much. I find this piece absolutely enthralling, not only for its overall amazing sound, but the lyrics are so incredibly unique that I couldn’t help but adore this particular piece of music. Maynard is expressing a conventional, common feeling shared among most men when they have such passion for a woman, but he expresses this generic desire in such a non-generic, exotic way, incorporating several biblical references to display his feelings, which you may read/listen to for yourself. He uses symbols of purity to display his raw, filthy, impure devotion, executing the intent of the song exquisitely, showing his borderline obsession with having intercourse with this deceitful, fascinating woman. Not a particularly easy feat to accomplish when referencing Christ and his family, yet Keenan is thoroughly successful in his delivery, simultaneously exposing the true creative magnificence behind this piece of art.
Maybe I fell for the gimmick, but I also love the song for its depiction of such an awesome person. Though I’m not a demon, it definitely helps bring out the succubus present in the female listener, including myself. I apologize for making such a mildly embarrassing admission, but it’s true. The succubus in the song will not tolerate a guy’s bull-shit, a quality I admire and one that every girl has room to strengthen. Clearly, the speaker of the song admires that quality too, as most men secretly do. Seriously, they’re always looking for that girl who will, in some ways, put them in their place when they mess up. So, you should never feel sorry for speaking up for yourself or rejecting someone. Standards are so important for girls to have and, even if it doesn’t work out, at least you’ll have his respect.
Alright, there you have it- my opinion on Puscifer’s “Rev 22-20.” And please, I deeply encourage you to listen to the song and think about the types of feelings it triggers in you. I would love to hear various perspectives on the piece, so don’t be shy and please let me know if you love it, hate it, or have had similar experiences discussed in the song!

Friday, August 17, 2012

A Fashion Statement: Has Personal Style Become a Misunderstood Art?

My 2-yr old favorite $12 gray sweater!
Worn with a gray scarf and statement earrings.
I put the photo in black and white b/c it made no difference
in the representation of the sweater, since it's already gray,
 blending in well with the overall tone of the photograph.

Since it’s my birthday today, and I can do whatever the hell I want, I’ve chosen to take some time out before tonight’s festivities and write about a topic that is of incredible significance to me and several other expressive, unique individuals. This particular topic concerns a medium through which I find unparalleled fulfillment and joy, where I find tranquility and, often times, a much needed break. It has definitely become a passion for me, and I look forward to cultivating this devoted interest of mine as I grow as a person, a potential career woman, and, ultimately, as a girl with an uncommon, severely eccentric (in the best way possible!) artistic vision that I can share with others in every realm of my life. There is no perfect, absolute way people may define themselves, but, for me, I find expression through various means like writing, painting, music, entertainment, reading, and, especially, fashion.
Yes, I hope you heard right, I absolutely adore fashion. I’ve stalked the pages of Vogue online, I’ve read Lauren Conrad’s Style from cover to cover, and I’ve watched almost every movie based on CoCo Chanel’s life. I’ve intellectually analyzed the ensembles worn by the Sex and the City cast and I’ve become one of those girls who agrees that Lady Gaga’s choice of clothing is an insult to fashion. Clearly, I hold this topic in very high esteem and I hope all of you have greater appreciation for it too by the conclusion of this post.
A couple of criticisms that I would like to dispel about myself and fellow fashionistas include, but are not limited to, the notions that we are spoiled, materialistic, unintelligent, and lazy people who don’t believe in hard work, could care less about the value of a dollar, and are just searching for a rich man to feed our shopping habits. However, true fashion lovers acknowledge that you will not make it in the fashion world, or career world, without earning respect from co-workers, family, and friends. We work hard, play hard, and enjoy looking good while do both.
We do this by pushing ourselves in every task we are given, by shopping wisely,   by shopping creatively, and spending within our means. Though this isn’t always easy, it is necessary if you would like to become a truly a fashionable person in every way possible. In addition, the desire for diversity and variety in your own life is one of the most crucial qualities present within every lover of fashion. 
In my closet, I have clothes from Urban Outfitters, Anthropologie, and Nordstrom’s to $3 shirts from thrift stores. Ironically, I own a $12 sweater from H&M that I bought in November of my junior year in college, about 2 years ago, that I wear at least once a week during winter, and even more than that sometimes. It is an incredibly basic piece and goes with every scarf, piece of jewelry, and pair of boots I own. I am absolutely in love with this particular piece not only for its pure comfort, but for the potential it has for a rockin outfit every time I put it on. You do not need to spend a lot of money to look good, contrary to popular opinion. In fact, I believe it takes more talent to find a hot ensemble for a cheaper price anyway. 
I love a good bargain and live by the philosophy of getting more bang for my buck during all of my shopping sprees. Even though I definitely have my moments, especially with looks that I adore, I know how to find clothes for a steal-price. There are always gonna be clothes, however, that I have and will spend a pretty-penny on, but I know that I do not need to spend more money to have more style. I still don’t have the stomach to purchase $1000 Louboutin pumps without having a big girl job first!
Always remember, in many cases, less may be more when looking at a seemingly “boring” or “plain” piece during a shopping trip. Try and be a little creative and see what types of looks a basic shirt has the potential to produce. I love to mix and match, so if you feel as though your closet is lacking in any way, please think again and flirt with the idea of knowing which garments could go with other garments and vice versa. I have a pack of white Hanes T-Shirts in a boy’s small I purchased at Wal-Mart for less than $7 and I love them. They give me the freedom to mix and match, have fun with style, and work with my imagination. 
Every artist produces their best work on a blank canvas, so please work with your wardrobe because you never know what awesome looks you could come up with, what epiphanies you may arouse, or what fashion trends you may start. Fashion is an expression of who we are, and we should learn to embrace that. Whether you have cash to blow or none at all, remain creative and you will be well on your way to becoming a good friend to the world of fashion. When I wear an outfit I love, I feel as though I can conquer the world. I can accomplish any goal, dream, or objective when my ensemble represents who I am, simultaneously igniting the best in me, as it would for anybody with this mindset, even you.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Modern American Female Ideal of Beauty: Is it Our Downfall?

"Helen of Troy" by Evelyn de Morgan (1898)
Considered the most beautiful woman in the world.

I strive for beauty. A common desire among many women in this consumerist, American culture. I also strive for love, not just the romantic kind, though it is a personal hope, but another genre of love only provided by friends, peers, and those in my surroundings who may give me the admiration, support, and security that my self-perceived shortcomings fail to procure. These feelings, however afflicting, are customary within the present female culture; a culture that tells us, and myself, that love only comes to women who are beautiful, to women who are outwardly appealing, and to women who are physically attractive. 
In addition to this societal pressure, we are told what makes a woman beautiful to others in order to achieve their love and acceptance. As women are encouraged to adopt society’s standards of physical beauty to obtain the ultimate reward, love, they are simultaneously told that those who do not fulfill these aesthetic requirements will remain without admiration. So, in this brief blog post, I plan to expose some of the detriments the social demand of beauty has on the female psyche, with an intention to reform the current perception of beauty.
Most girls that I know always have some issue with their bodies. I have witnessed girls who are the pinnacle of aesthetic perfection complain about their cellulite, love handles, or non-existent stomach fat. These complaints vary from girl to girl, but we always seem to have them. This unhealthy way of seeing ourselves can lead to disturbing circumstances, often resulting in an eating disorder, severe diets, and an intense desire for rapid weight loss. Though I don’t have an eating disorder, I have certainly dabbled in these types of behaviors. Even more unnerving is the fact that I am speaking for several girls. Too many of us have succumbed to the notion that skinniness is one path to beauty, which is, of course, the only path to love. 
So, we’re told to be skinny, but what else does our culture tell us to do to become beautiful? To start, we are told that our faces, wardrobe, and hairstyles are some of our key accessories to beauty, or, as I’ve argued, to acceptance. As much as I love shopping and other superficial tools I “need” to acquire beauty, I can’t help but wonder that this has been socially, deeply engrained in my mind- Now you’re thinking it’s too late to change these likely permanent self perceptions, right? Which may be true, but they’re not ideas that I can’t amend
To find love and social acceptance, women are told that a low body weight, cute hair, a nice outfit, and a hot face are the key methods through which admiration will come. What I find wrong with this picture is the toll it takes upon each and every girl who has acquiesced to these demands. In order to change this, we need to change ourselves. Though we can’t change these social constraints overnight, we can alter the way we accept them into our life. Perhaps we should place more value on more simple luxuries in life that will always remain, like family, an intellectual hobby, or one’s career. These are just some aspects of life that cannot be taken away, like superficial beauty, which will inevitably fade. 
I would be lying if I said I didn’t love to feel pretty, shop, or look presentable when I go out, and I know I will probably enjoy these frivolous, unnecessary pleasures until the day that I die, but I am making efforts now to modify what I should cherish in life. This may vary from individual to individual, but I know my family, my love of reading, writing,  food, cooking, and the close friendships I’ve had for years offer more stability to me than a face full of makeup.