Sunday, December 14, 2014

A Little Bite of Film Noir Style: Who Are Your Favorite Femme Fatale Fashion Inspirations??

Cora Smith as Lana Turner in "The Postman Always Rings Twice"
One of my inspirations in this fashion post, among others. Can you guess any??
Anyway, I love film noir fashions and the femme fatales who sported such legendary ensembles, so I pulled a few pieces from my wardrobe in honor of this timeless style.

One of our favorite items to wear is a towel right when we get outta the shower...With a kitty who loves to play..
...Then throw on a little, white two-piece ensemble because it's all you can scramble into after someone rings your doorbell.. lacey white bandeaux of purity was so pure until....

..too much blood got on it after we hid the body...

..So I had to hide all of the evidence.  Every. Last. Piece. Fortunately, my partner in crime - the love of my life - gave me his coat, and I tied some rope around my midriff so it'd stay in place when we did our next job... 
..But everything I owned got darker and darker, just as I did...

..And I decorated my jacket with all our leftover bullet shells...
..but it just got too dark to see...
..And nothing could hide the reasons why my shirts were always died so blood red.. So I had to stop..

...So I got on my knees - baring my stark naked soul, and asked for forgiveness...

...It was granted, and I was allowed to wear my purest snowy hues again... a boss...

...and wear the pants too.

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