Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Beautiful Brain: What Are You Feeding Yours??

Whole Grains!! Yum!
Every success story is riddled with obstacles, mini-triumphs, greater let downs, and ugly ego wringers. The best of us come through this painful process stronger, whereas the worst of us crush under its stinging pressure (I have felt the pangs of both so, please, trust me on that one...Oh, this crazy little cycle).

Anyway, As I've struggled and grown through these experiences, I have really learned that I must, under all circumstances, refrain from inflicting any unnecessary obstacles on myself that I could really do without, one of them being poor nutrition. My brain will literally refuse to work if I do not take care of it properly and, being the busy body that I was born to be, I feel like my soul is dying when I cannot put my mind to good use. And, no, I do not have any major mental issues - or ones that require the daily consumption of medication. Trust me, I've been tested, poked, and prodded left and right. I just have anxiety and ADD - and I only take the meds as needed, but I've discovered that I don't need them as much when I eat healthy and avoid alcohol. 

So, I've been researching, doing my homework, and really learning about the human body, and I'm convinced that I have a thyroid issue. For those who don't know (not trying to sound condescending because I really only truly learned and understood the thyroid this week), but the thyroid is basically a goddess planted in your human body. She works really, really hard for you so you better treat her right!! Dare to ignore her? Enjoy suffering the consequences of her wrath, either by her acting up, or not acting at all. For me, she chose to stop working, causing me to suffer from fatigue, depression, anxiety, irritability, and overall naughtiness. ;-)

I would still love to see a nutritionist to further confirm my suspicions about my under active thyroid, or hypothyroidism (an overactive thyroid is labelled hyperthyroidism), but I've already adopted a diet catering to the needs of this little adrenal gland that does a big job for my body and I feel a million times better. So, I would love to share some of the foods and vitamins I've been eating with all of you, here they are: (and I know it's better to eat your vitamins in actual food, but I'm on a budget, so..) :P

1. Coconut Oil
2. Vitamin C
3. Vitamin B
4. Seafood w/ Omega-3
5. Kombucha (my magic potion)
6. Avoiding sugar and gluten in processed, non-organic foods
7. Whole Grains

These are just a few examples of what I've been intaking to help heal my thyroid!! I already feel better and my skin looks so much younger/healthier! I still need to stick with my diet for awhile to see the full impact of these foods/vitamins, but I am, no question, seeing results.

So, do you have any more suggestions of what could help? Or do you have any other organs in your own beautiful body that you need to pay a little more attention to in order for them to do their jobs? If so, what foods do you eat to heal and cleanse??

Let me know and don't be shy!!!

Thanks for reading xx

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