Friday, February 24, 2012

Girl Vs. Girl: Why Are We So Mean to Each Other?

I’m really not uncovering new ground by discussing the topic of female cattiness, but it is definitely an issue worthy of consistent scrutiny (especially if we ever want to see it abolished). Every girl, in some way, has experienced undeserving, hurtful criticism from another girl, often resulting in further warfare that will most likely never reach a mutual resolution. This dynamic is not only puzzling, it is thoroughly disturbing. Aside from the hurt feelings and emotional pain that consequently arise, deeper problems may emerge such as depression, an eating disorder, or even severe anxiety.  Often times, the unsettling reality of this type of situation is brushed under the rug, dissuading girls from seeking help or standing up for themselves when other girls (or boys for that matter) intentionally humiliate, discredit, or underestimate them. 
The only way we can overcome this unhealthy type of relationship is by acknowledging that it actually exists. I would be lying if I said I’ve never talked about a girl behind her back (every girl is guilty of this and nobody is perfect). However, I do make a conscious effort to absolutely never judge a book by its cover. No matter how rich, pretty, smart, or popular a girl may seem, for example, you never know the private, personal struggles she may have had to endure through childhood, adolescence, or even adulthood. Just because a girl may seem to “have it all” does not provide an excuse for blatantly or hurtfully insulting her, especially if she has never seriously, seriously offended you. To me, this type of criticism is absolutely disgusting because you never know how the victim may react, sometimes resulting in a damaged self esteem and a clearly depleted sense of self worth.
Anyway, even though I definitely have my fair share of insecurities (just like most girls), I certainly try not to let this be the cause for my resentment of another girl. Believe it or not, when you gossip or talk shit about a girl, it is more insulting to yourself than the female you are attempting to insult. It is a clear admission that you believe you’re “not good enough” and if another lady is seemingly “better off,” you acquire a self esteem boost by putting her down. It is embarrassing, immature, and ignorant behavior. Think of times someone else has hurt you, and ask yourself why you would go to such malicious lengths to see that girl unhappy. If you don’t want people to treat you that way, which I’m sure you don’t, then by no means are you authorized to treat other girls like that.
So, to answer my question regarding female hostility, I really can’t come to a specific conclusion about why we are so mean to each other. When a girl insults another girl for no apparent reason, it is just too ridiculous and petty of a behavior to excuse, or even defend. I know that I will never see the end to this cycle of defamation, and I’m lucky that I have developed an incredibly thick skin (even though I still have my moments of pure insecurity- like everyone), but some girls have yet to grow into their hardened up hides, so please be careful about the words you ascribe or attach to some girls because you never know how much it could really kill.
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