Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Aura: I’ll Show You Mine If You Show Me Yours?

I believe that every living human being has an aura. Basically, the aura is a unique collection of metaphysical matter that energizes the human body. It is an ordered spiritual substance present in every living being, composed of seven distinct centers of energy, often referred to as the chakras.  

The Chakras: (from top to bottom)

  1. Samasrara (Purple) - This is the Crown Chakra, which is located directly on top of one’s head. This represents our connection with a higher, divine power.
  2. Ajna (Indigo): This is the the Third Eye Chakra, located on the forehead, representing our intuition.
  3. Vishudda (Blue): This is the Throat Chakra, located, obviously, on the throat, representing personal expression.
  4. Anahata (Green): This is the Heart Chakra located on the heart and lungs, representing love, love, love. Every type of love.
  5. Manipura (Yellow): This is the Solar Plexus Chakra located on the pancreas, liver, stomach, and spleen, representing one’s sense of self and personal destiny.
  6. Svadisthana (Orange): This is the Sacral Chakra, located on our reproductive system, representing creativity and passion.
  7. Muladhara (Red): This is the Base Chakra located in our adrenal glands, representing security and that “two-feet-on-the-ground” feeling.

Okay, so now that you know a little more about the aura’s structure, I can discuss the crucial importance of keeping it healthy. Everyone of us has the power to accomplish amazing feats if we understood our own strengths and personal energy. No two auras are the same, just like no two human bodies are the same. Sometimes, with the negative energy that life sometimes throws at us, our innate electro-magnetic energy often becomes skewed, causing our spiritual systems to work inappropriately. Some people are gifted with strong energies, whereas others need help activating their chakras and the proper functioning of their aura. Once the chakras are really doing their job, the aura becomes brighter and brighter, displaying one’s true nature, which is determined by the particular colors that a bright aura is infused with. 
If we understood our spirits more, then I can guarantee we would see a decrease in levels of depression and personal unhappiness. I strongly believe that auras are contagious. Don’t you notice that happy people make you happier? Whereas depressed or annoying or complaining people are draining to have around? Through cultivating the strength of your own spirit, you’re cultivating the strength of humanity - giving the world happiness, which is given back to you.

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