Saturday, January 11, 2014

"The One With the Diary" by Eloise Banting

**Before you start reading, I wrote this little blurb about twenty minutes ago unintentionally. You see, I found the above quote online and thought it was really cute, because you could, if you think about it, apply it to so many relationships, not just romantic ones. So, I was gonna share it on FB for that reason, but then I got carried away, and my caption somehow turned into a "Friends" episode....I literally just copied and pasted my unpublished FB post into this forum. Enjoy! :) 

Well, this is cute (and I woke up way too early this morning.) But some of my fave little love quotes are the positive ones that show the beauty of any relationship, whether it's romantic, a friendship, or ..and this is a bit of a stretch .. a quote that your beloved pet might think about you. To make it a little more clear, I could totally imagine anyone of the characters on 'Friends' saying this about another character.. They all had a true love for each other, but this quote is soo Ross and Rachel.. and I could def picture Ross writing about it in his diary and spritzing the page with rose water in college (but made a decision to leave out/change the name of any and all people he wrote about- wise decision), before Rachel got her nose job. And then he 'loses' it, but really Chandler, his roommate, stole it ..and never found a way to give it back - so years later Monica finds it in Joey and Chandler's apartment..and her, Phoebe, and Rachel read it and think it's Chandler's ..and then Ross walks into the girls apartment and Rachel says,"Omg listen to Chandler's diary it's so funny!" And starts reading it, and then after she finishes she breathes in the rose water scent .. Adding to her fits of laughter. Phoebe then makes it clear that she hopes Chandler didn't write all this about Janice... Ross is mortified, overreacts, snatches the diary from her.. and the girls are left puzzled, but still laughing. He heads to Chandler and Joey's apartment swinging the door wide open in hysterics, and Chandler sees him holding the diary and is left speechless. And Joey says, "Oh you've read Chandler's diary, too? Pretty funny riiight??" Starts laughing hysterically, quoting his favorite parts of the text, including the following Marilyn Monroe quote: "I'm selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I'm out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." Ross is seething - hissing at Chandler, "The girls read all of it. I CAnnot believe you were the one who stole my diary!!! I bought it after Rachel and Monica visited that one time in college, after they ditched us for those stingy frat boys icing the quad for some lame senior prank. Monica went for the icing, Rach went for that tool down the hall from us. Remember?? I couldn't sleep for an entire month afterward." As soon as he finishes his little rant, both Joey's and Chandler's expressions shift from ones of lighthearted playfulness to frozen shock. Ross interprets this emotional transition as remorse, believing his "aggression" really showed them who's boss and gives a little smirk. Right after, Joey directs a trembling finger toward the door. Ross thinks it's simply because he forgot to shut the door in his oh-so-angry entrance, but sees Rachel standing there doe eyed with little tears on her cheeks. Ross and Rachel just stand frozen looking at one another, in a shared stream of thought only they could understand. Chandler, Joey, and the audience just witness this moment, all feeling as though they are intruding on these instances between Ross and Rachel. Chandler and Joey tip toe back into their respective rooms - the attention's back on Rach and Dr. Ross, still frozen in thought, eyes glued to one another, not having moved from the moment Ross turned around and saw her. End episode. #TheOneWithTheDiary #AndThatsHowYouWriteAFriendsEpisode

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