Saturday, March 24, 2012

The G.O.P. Strikes Again: First It’s His Heritage, Now High Gas Prices?

I’ve honestly had enough of the G.O.P.’s continual mudslinging, but they’re really hitting below the belt this time. First they ran the notion of Obama’s “fake” heritage around the rumor mill, now they’re saying that he wants to raise gas prices. I can assure of all you that this is entirely fabricated, especially because any knowledgeable American is aware that the U.S. has little to no control over the fluctuating price tags at our gas pumps. 
The price of gas in the U.S. directly correlates with the global market of oil, meaning if gas prices go up around the world, they will right at home. According to Obama, “we use 20 percent of the world’s oil; we only produce 2 percent of the world’s oil,” so we really aren’t a large contributor to the international access of black gold. It’s not like Obama has an unlimited supply in his backyard that he can put a low price on and give away like he’s Mother Theresa. 
But, since Obama’s been taking way too much heat for this, he’s been forced to take measures to show the G.O.P., and every citizen, that he really cares about this issue. He knows, I know, and everyone knows, aside from Mitt Romney and friends, that no one in the United States could ever control gas prices right now. Presently, Obama is in strong support of extending the infamous Keystone oil pipeline from Cushing to oil refineries in the Gulf to heighten the accessibility of gas, producing a larger supply for Americans. Aside from the attention he’s paid to this pipeline, he has still been making every effort to cultivate, manage, and harvest our own oil supply, helping decrease the current dependence we have on oil elsewhere. This is the best anyone would ever be able to do right now, which will slowly but surely decrease gas prices in the United States. 
Obama does not want high gas prices and their growing rates are not his fault. Romney just needs to stop crying wolf whenever he sees a minor mishap in our country’s progress and lay off the crazy pills. I mean, if the tables were turned, everyone would be saying the exact same thing in support for Mitt, but you can’t argue with stupid.

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