Monday, March 19, 2012

Stairway to Heaven: Famous Rock Ballad or Code of Ethics?

The ominous arrangement of guitar strings and drums, the disturbing tranquility in Robert Plant's voice, all set beside the unsettling story of a woman intent on purchasing redemption after a life of indulgence yields one of the most distinguished rock ballads of all time, “Stairway to Heaven” by Led Zeppelin. As one of my personally favorite pieces by the band, and someone who has listened to this particular work countless times, I couldn’t help but ponder the definite relevance the song maintains in today’s world. Specifically, and this is a purely subjective perspective, the composers of the piece suggest the importance of denying a life of greed and excess, painting a portrait of a deluded woman who assumes that her good fortune will provide her a first-class-seat in heaven.  These cautionary proclamations, in some senses, ultimately serve to warn listeners against the detriments of over-luxuriance, a message that many of us, rich or poor, would benefit greatly from. 
The song opens with a woman who is hoping to purchase a “Stairway to Heaven,” oblivious to the notion that heaven is proverbially reserved for those who have led an honorable life. As it becomes clearer throughout the ballad, she fully believes that her wealth will provide her a golden stepping stone to this nirvana-like-location, ignorant of the fact that her access to this ulterior realm is based solely on her character, not her bank account. 
As someone who is fully unsure of where we go after death, the reality of God, and other theoretical propositions regarding the supernatural, “Stairway to Heaven” still resonates with me. The idea that personal worth is based on one’s character rather than one’s resources endorses the age-old sentiment of sustaining a sound moral code, no matter the circumstances. Even though I have a set of ethics I attempt to live by, sometimes it proves more difficult than I figure. I am a human being after all, and nobody is perfect--even the lady in the song. Despite this, I fully support the message in “Stairway to Heaven” and chose to write a blog post memorializing, appreciating, and praising the ballad simply for the effect it has had on me, and hopefully the one it will have on my readers. Even if heaven does or does not exist, there is no reason not to live graciously. I have found that the energy you offer to the universe is energy returned. If you live spitefully, you will receive spite. If you live generously, you will receive generosity. Even though I will never completely be able to rationally justify these minor claims, I have discovered that they are truthful, for me at least. No matter how much money or material wealth anyone has, nothing in life is worth it unless you have the abilities to do good, put the welfare of others before your own, and respectfully appreciate and honor those who have treated you with kindness (Sorry if I’ve left anything out!). Just try and live life kindly and you will see it come back to you ten-fold, trust me. 

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